Got Questions

Are you trying to figure out what is really true and if Jesus is the way? I've spoken to many muslims, unbelievers and unsaved believers. If you want to contact me with any question regarding your salvation, I welcome that:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How I Know That Joseph Prince Is A False Teacher...Easy

Oh these false teachers are everywhere.  It seems that the most excited people I've talked to about religion in person that is in the last six months have all either worshipped a false god or follow a false doctrine.  I've had Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Ammillenialists, and recently I've been introduced to a new false doctrine.  This newly discovered (by me anyway) doctrine is that of the Grace Movement...aka Joseph Prince.  This load of dung is a mixture of hyper dispensationalism, coupled with cheap grace, and a large serving of prosperity gospel topped off with a splash of pride.  Sounds like a recipe invented by Satan.

It came to no surprise that this Joseph Prince just happens to be buddies with no other than Joel Osteen.  I'm not going to go too far into studying how wrong this doctrine is because others have done that already from what I can see on the inter-webs.

But just cutting to the chase I'll list some attributes that demonstrate the signs of a false religion and a fraud.

1. New Creation Church in Singapore has over 60,000 members in Singapore alone.

2. Joseph Prince preaches that we don't even need to do anything after we believe because all the glory goes to God, so let him do all the work.  The pride and arrogance the man speaks of God.  He wraps a morsel of truth up and packages the rest in lies.

3. Cheap grace doctrine does not produce a changed man. or a new creature and we know what Jesus said about being saved.  Unless you are born again of the Holy Spirit and become a new creature you will not have everlasting life.

4. In reference to #3 above, I find if quite ironic that they named the church "New Creation Church" when what Joe preaches does not lead to a new creation but rather the second death.

5. Joseph Prince is buddies with Joel Osteen......yea, that's no good.

When I think of where the true believers are in these end times, my first thought is not at the largest church that promotes worldly success and brings in hundreds of millions of dollars all the while promoting the easy wide gate to destruction.

Quick question for you that read the Bible:

1. How did Jesus say we believers show our love for Him?  Was it something about keeping his commandments?

2. Which people does Jesus tell to depart from Him those workers of iniquity?  Sounds like the followers of Joseph Prince.

If you have been boondoggled into believing what Joseph Prince promotes please look deeper into the Bible.  Read the Bible and don't listen to some con artist or even me for that matter.  Read the  Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.  God will show you if you humbly seek for the truth in His word.  Read daily.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  With faith comes grace and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and repentance and a regeneration of our minds by the power of the Holy Spirit.  We change and we are aware of our sins even more after we are saved.  When you are made aware of your righteousness in your faith you are also aware of your sin.  You should feel bad for sin and ask for forgiveness and turn from your sin.  Sinning causes a separation from God and our fellowship with God is stronger when we are walking on the narrow path.  Sin is a big deal.


  1. praise God for the truth you are sharing to many already being deceived,by this hyper grace

    1. I bought his book "Destined to Reign" a few years ago and it's been sat on my shelf ever since.. I am a Jewess who has accepted Jesus as Saviour and Lord and I attend a Messianic Fellowship in North West England. The very first meeting I went to the elder spoke on False Teachers, Prosperity Prophets and the Word of Faith heresy. I was horrified!! The Holy Spirit had opened my eyes to the false teaching!! I repented quickly, I still go to the Messianic Fellowship, where I get solid biblical based teaching every Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath which happens on a Saturday) PRAISE THE LORD FOR SHOWING ME THAT!!! I will be destroying that book tonight.

  2. Yes what you preach is definitely the truth. Where does Love start though? We can know all, cast out demons and do many other signs and wonders but hath not Love as the bible says the truth is not in us. God is the judge and the only one that knows what is in a mans heart.
    But you are right money and things definitely do not show are relationship with God and we do need some stronger preaching but will they listen. Yes we must, God Bless and protect you Pastor.

  3. This post is weak and you are using another false preacher against another. Therefore it makes no sense. Paul Washer teaches "Lordship Salvation" while Joseph Prince teaches mother grace from catholism. Please find a king james bible believing teacher in your area. God bless

    1. Please watch this in its entirety and do not dismiss it because of its title.
      Though long, it will explain everything. Thanks. God bless.

  4. Greetings bro, Grace is the truth, you don have to earn your salvation ,the moment you accept christ salvation is given to you and even if u want to earn it you would not be able to because no man can carry the law. what does John 3 :16 tells us ? do u remember the thieve who was crucified together with our lord ? he said to jesus , remember me when you come into your kingdom...was the thieve baptised?did the thieve worked hard for his salvation ?nooooo.. jesus' instant reply was tonight we will meet in paradise ...and why was that ? because he accepted christ....god loved the world sooo much that he knows no one is perfect so he had to sacrifice he's only begotten son for the world....he died so that we may live....can i ask you a question u know anyone who would pay a 100grand to take you out from a problem? if you do that would be a very handful and u will know how much you meant to that person.....let me ask you another, do u know anyone who would sacrifice he's own son and he's only son to take you out of a problem ? and if he did much more are you worth to him ? do you think he would easily allow you to burn in hell..the answers is god loves you so much that he gave he's son for you and the moment you accept it your place in heaven is confirmed and no one can take it from you.....your past present and future sins are all forgiven or all washed off .....if you still say that salvation may be taken away ....sadly you r saying that jesus had died in vain .... i give u all a challenge accept the message of grace for atleast 30days will truly understand the goodness of the lord...u will understand that if god can sacrifice he's own son...what can he not do for you ? 7 figure pay cheque....a mansion ...couple of cars....or whatever it is ....ask and you shall receive it ....i thank all of you who had digested a even little bit of this....and my prayer to you would be that you shall flourish and be blessing to others....god bless you and he loves you dearly.... take care... bro kris from malaysia.

    1. So material wealth is what God wants to bless his children with...hmm...I'm going to have to say I'm pretty sure that's not it.

    2. Good job Kris with your reply. This is the Grace dispensation. All we have to do is open our spirits and hearts when we study the word.

    3. Joel Osteen Joseph prince creflo dollar Kenneth Copeland all have the false teaching.They love to teach prosperity gospel well lets see what the idiot Joel Osteen has to say about hurricane Harvey and how that fits in his false teaching

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. We are to pray for Joel Osteen not name call. We are to judge doctrine not people. God and God alone has the right to judge!!

    6. I agree only GOD can judge us n all doctrines that r being taught by Pastors can be tested by studying d Bible n I firmly believe in d gospel of grace coz no one can obey the law in its entirety n man is only freed or absolved of sins when he dies so his salvation is definitely based on grace of God as a gift

    7. Kris,I agree with what you have said! Jesus said "Finished"!! It is because our acceptance of Jesus Death and resurrection as the Book of Romans speaks of is ALL we need to Do!! Rest in Jesus!! As Jesus is in Heaven so am I here on earth!! Grace!! God's AMAZING Grace has a name and His name is Jesus!!

    8. u r right on the money kris lol

    9. I just want to know Christ deeper and more intimately and offer that to others through the testimony of my life,ôbedience, and my integrity

    10. He also teaches different levels of giving silver platinum etc. Only one type of giving-tithing-10% period . yes there is Father God but there is no mother grace-false teaching

  5. Obviously you are deceived and mislead! Joseph Prince teachings lead persons to Jesus Christ! Please be lead by the Holy Spirit and not personal agendas!!

    1. Christ Soldier...If the path to God is effortless as JP so boldly claims, then why did Jesus say "STRIVE to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able." Luke 13:24
      Strive? and Not all will be able to enter! That doesn't seem like effortless grace, does it.

      So did the apostle Paul somehow get it wrong, that we can now thank JP for opening up to us this NEW truth about grace?

    2. The Greek word used for "strive" in this verse is "AGONIZOMAI." It means "to struggle, literally (to compete for a prize), figuratively (to contend with an adversary), or genitive case (to endeavor to accomplish something)". It definitely implies that effort is involved in obtaining salvation. True salvation is not just mental assent but a real heartfelt commitment.
      The effort implied here is not for the purpose of earning salvation; that is a free gift (Ro 5:15), but we do have to fight the good fight of faith (1Ti 6:12). Faith in Jesus' goodness is what saves us--not our own goodness--and Satan is constantly trying to destroy our faith. We have to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3).
      Jesus said that many will seek to enter salvation and will not be able to. There are many reasons for this, but none of those reasons are because God refused salvation to anyone. "The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men" (Tit 2:11), and God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2Pe 3:9).
      As Jesus went on to explain in Lu 13:25, some will not really seek salvation until it is too late. Others "have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God" (Ro 10:2-3). Others may give lip service, but they do not believe from their hearts (Lu 6:46 and Ro 10:10).
      We can rest assured that all those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled (Mt 5:6). "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Ro 10:13).

    3. Mark Joel, you nailed it. I am going to use your work here to try and discuss this with my parents who have been swept up into this false teaching of 'easy' faith.

    4. So it's all about us and our faith? We must earn our salvation? That is the most false of all doctrines. Why do you think yourself to be something great? It's God who saves. It's God who sanctifies. It is God who provide the Lamb and who had ALL of our sins punished in the body of His son the Lord Jesus Christ. To say you have to do something or work for something is to say Jesus' sacrifice wasn't good enough. Come on now people! The message isn't hard! Joseph prince preaches it better than anyone I've ever seen on tv. Read the Word in context without any preconceived notions and ask God to help you see past your false ideas and see the truth. We really tend to overcomplicate things. It's so simple. We can't do anything. God did it for us. We acknowledge that and we are saved and we grow in that and retrain ourselves by keeping the focus on that alone. It's all been done for us. Pretty great . Don't think it's all up to you or you'll end up doing much much less tha God intended for you . It's not about you and what you need to do. It's about Him and what He has already done for you. Simple stuff my friends . Come on!

    5. That which is started in the spirit cannot by any means be completed in the flesh. Gal. 3:3.

      Thanks Mark Hogan.

    6. Amen! Praise our sweet amazing Lord forever!

    7. You're deceived those men are false teachers read the word of God and you'll find out for yourself. Read Roman's 1. They dont like preaching repentance only false prosperity Gosepl

    8. Gary Martin: the funny thing is that Joseph Prince preaches that the 'narrow gate' reference is about our worldly life not the gate to eternity! This is a serious enough massive error to make anyone with sense realise he is a fake! While, yes, we can't work our way into heaven, Joseph Prince reminds me of the serpent in the garden: 'surely God wouldn't condemn anyone?'. And we know how that turned out. Those in the modern world forget how far were away from God. Getting the chance to be 'grafted in' is amazing grace in itself. Sure he wants all to be saved, but you can't love the world, money and God. Prince and Osteen clearly love money and the world. What does that tell you? Their 'doctrine' is rebadged business/selfhelp nonsense.

  6. what do people mean when they say " lordship salvation"?
    prince preaches once saved always saved which is false according to the bible. he is charming and thus very dangerous.

  7. You are just jealous of JP. In every sermons of JP Jesus and only Jesus is lifted up. You do not even understand what Joseph Prince is saying. Jesus told Peter to feed His sheeps not beat His sheeps. Joseph Prince is feeding His sheeps with His grace. Please, read and listen to jp.

    1. Please watch this in its entirety and do not dismiss it because of its title.
      Though long, it will explain everything. Thanks. God bless.

  8. Q1) Is JP in sheep's clothing?
    A1) Yes.

    Q2) Is JP a wolf?
    A2) Maybe yes, maybe no.

    Q3) Is JP pointing to Jesus?
    A3) Yes.

    Q4) Is Jesus the same Yhshua, the son of Yhvh of the Gospel?
    A4) Baby yes, maybe no.

    Q5) Is the Gospel written in Greek?
    A5) Yes.

    Q6) Is the English translated Bible ANOTHER Gospel?
    A6) Maybe yes, baby no.

    1. John 10 ...Those who came before me ARE thieves and robbers. The thief comes in order that he might steal (your money), slaughter (the lamb) and destroy (antonym of save).

      Q7) Does Satan need your money?
      A7) NO.

      Q8) Does JP teach (or lied through his teeth) that 'Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy'?
      A8) Yes.

      Q9) Is JP a thief?
      A9) Baby yes, baby no.

  9. God help the new believer who runs across this argument by accident. It is confusing at best and destructive at worst. The new believer has been looking for hope and help for his situation and just when he thinks he has found it he runs across this argument and confusion and his hopes are dashed on the proverbial rocks.
    To say that once saved always saved is an incorrect doctrine is to call into question all the other doctrines of most Baptist and other fundamentalist churches which is a large part of Christendom. To name names and attack the Word of Faith / Pentecostal denominations is to do the same injustice and to call into question all of their beliefs. Is it any wonder the newly saved shake their heads and walk away not seeing any difference between this and the world and they just left. The devil doesn't even have to attack them because other believers will do it for him. The primary truth that I have seen in this discussion so far is an agreement among everyone that wolves come in different clothing and different colors and I think we have all seen examples of more than one wolf in this discussion.

  10. I think Grace does it not by our own struggles (works). Ephesians 2:8-9, ''For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.'' If salvation is through grace, ''then it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.'' If we could be saved by our works, GOD wouldn't have sent HIS only begotten SON to die for us that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have an everlasting life (John 3:16). So we are saved by the grace of GOD not by anything we have done. Our righteousness is the righteousness of JESUS who became sin for us to attain righteousness. We are not deserved to be saved but was made possible by CHRIST dying for us, now we are saved. ''If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.'' (John 8:36). But that does not mean that we enslave ourselves in sins. GOD's grace will also help us overcome sins effortlessly if we confess our weaknesses to HIM and ask HIM for help and strength. Nobody can do it by their own power. May GOD help us in JESUS' Name. Amen.

    1. from what I have seen of Joseph Prince, this is what he has been teaching. I may not agree to everything he says, but what preacher is ?? I also watch Joyce Meyers, Charles Stanley, and others so that I have numerous preachings to look at. To say JP is a wolf in sheep clothing ... says to me that many here have not spent the time and read his books.


    1. Do you really think that someone is constantly writing and erasing our names from the book of life based on our daily merit. If your a beleiver then God has started a work in you that won't fail because God doesn't fail. Good works and wright living come as you receive the holy spirit. If that's what makes us righteous then why did Christ 3ven come.

    2. Do you really think that someone is constantly writing and erasing our names from the book of life based on our daily merit. If your a beleiver then God has started a work in you that won't fail because God doesn't fail. Good works and wright living come as you receive the holy spirit. If that's what makes us righteous then why did Christ 3ven come.

  12. Joseph teaches words from the same Great Book that I have, the Bible. He breaks down difficult or easily understood passages as I understand them to mean also. He uses KJV and I use NJJV, only difference.
    'Pull the plank from your own eye, before pointing out the splinter in someone else's eye.'
    'Judge not least you be judged.'
    J. Prince preaches LOVE. My Bible says 'God is Love' and '...of these three, above all LOVE'.
    Who are you to claim his words spoken are false? Shame on you.

    1. My wife is added to Pronc and many oother preachers who deviate greatly from the work of God, it is like Heroin to,her. Then TD Jakes and many others. People resist sound doctrine and refuse t,actually checkut people by the word. Prince teaches they you do not ever have to repent again. Paul,would sure not agree. nor Peter nor anyone who knows God. Grace is one thing, hyper grace is a distortion and very dangerous. If you know Osteen, who is far worse than Prince, you have a heavy duty Wolf who is a deep compromiser. Follow those who,preach the apostles doctrine, read Ephesians for starters. Chapter 2:9-10 gives you the relationship between grace and works. So does I John, Look, I have been in Christ over 60 years and I wish no one false would co e down the pike, but Jeus says MANY will. John said Many antichrists went out from among his church, presumably the church of Ephesus known for its love that had its candle blown Out for not responding to the warning in Revelatin. We are in serious relationship with a serious God and we had better be serious about discerning whom to follow.

    2. Read Acts. The Gentiles were full of joy to hear they could be heirs of salvation by believing in Jesus. Modern-day opponents of grace- alone like you and others who dogmatically condemn Prince, Osteen are the burden-imposing Pharisees that Paul warned the foolish Galatians of "who has bewitched you - you started so well in grace, why be entangled again in the yoke of bondage". Don't take your wife's cable channels from her; it may be the only anointed preaching she hears.

    3. Read Acts. The Gentiles were full of joy to hear they could be heirs of salvation by believing in Jesus. Modern-day opponents of grace- alone like you and others who dogmatically condemn Prince, Osteen are the burden-imposing Pharisees that Paul warned the foolish Galatians of "who has bewitched you - you started so well in grace, why be entangled again in the yoke of bondage". Don't take your wife's cable channels from her; it may be the only anointed preaching she hears.

  13. Yea, it all started with Matthew crouch! He's the one who brought him over here and promoted him and let him practically run tbn. I can't believe Paul, matthews father let mat have tbn, knowing that this doctrine is taking over tbn. If you love God you keep his commandments period! There is no grace to forgive willful sin so whenever you want to sin you can go ahead n do it! It's ridiculous. I just think it's given this rich boy n his wife and open door to just party hearty until the day they die, n then somehow get into heaven, because of grace. Yea right! He's probably a child molester too.

  14. I don't agree with Joseph Prince's Prosperity Gospel, his teaching on tithing and Divine Healing, his association with Joel Osteen but from your statement..... You should feel bad for sin and ask for forgiveness and turn from your sin. Sinning causes a separation from God and our fellowship with God is stronger when we are walking on the narrow path... shows that you do not understand the gospel.

    As Christians, our sins have been forgiven, past, present and future. There is no need to ask for forgiveness after we have been saved. When we do sin, we should confess our sin - that means "agree" - it does not mean to ask for forgiveness and we should ask the Lord to help us with that particular sin.

    There is no breaking of fellowship when a Christian sins. This is frequent wrong teaching by men that don't understand the scripture. 1 Cor 1:9 says we have been brought into fellowship with God through His Son. Fellowship=salvation. You can't "fall in and out of fellowship".

    Here is some common sense teaching on this subject for those that want to learn as I did.

  15. We are in the last days and just like Jesus and Paul warned in the Word of God that many false prophets and false teachers will arise to deceive and mislead God's sheep.....
    Be spiritually discerning ..truly born again believers will discern false prophets and false teachers as the True Holy Spirit ..the Spirit of Truth will reveal accordingly..

    Joseph prince does not teach the whole counsel of God ..
    He only pick and choose those verses that support his claims and skip those many other important words spoken by Jesus in the four Gospels!

    Luke 12v 15..Then He (Jesus) said to them "Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist of the abundance of possessions!"

    Prosperity gospel is not the True Gospel of Jesus Christ!
    Those who preach such are motivated by Greed!..
    Greed is a sin and hence Joseph prince subtly justified that his radical grace covers his sin!

    God's Grace is Amazing Grace Who opens blind eyes to see Jesus and love Him and obey Him.

    Jesus Christ came to fulfil the law not abolish them!

    Be like the the Scriptures daily and check out the preachers and teachers of God's Word and spiritual Truths..the bereans examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true! Acts 17 v 11

    God bless!

  16. We are in the last days and just like Jesus and Paul warned in the Word of God that many false prophets and false teachers will arise to deceive and mislead God's sheep.....
    Be spiritually discerning ..truly born again believers will discern false prophets and false teachers as the True Holy Spirit ..the Spirit of Truth will reveal accordingly..

    Joseph prince does not teach the whole counsel of God ..
    He only pick and choose those verses that support his claims and skip those many other important words spoken by Jesus in the four Gospels!

    Luke 12v 15..Then He (Jesus) said to them "Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist of the abundance of possessions!"

    Prosperity gospel is not the True Gospel of Jesus Christ!
    Those who preach such are motivated by Greed!..
    Greed is a sin and hence Joseph prince subtly justified that his radical grace covers his sin!

    God's Grace is Amazing Grace Who opens blind eyes to see Jesus and love Him and obey Him.

    Jesus Christ came to fulfil the law not abolish them!

    Be like the the Scriptures daily and check out the preachers and teachers of God's Word and spiritual Truths..the bereans examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true! Acts 17 v 11

    God bless!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The arguments for your thesis are weak. Why don't you try to refute Joseph Prince with the Bible, instead of spread your personal opinion?

  19. Wow! Lots of material to refute. Once you are born again into the Family of God you cannot be unborn. That's why Jesus says it that way. You cannot be unborn in the flesh or the Spirit.
    Joseph Prince teaches we must labor to enter into God's rest - so does the Bible
    JP teaches that God's love leads to repentance - not the Law - so does the Bible
    I am a Christian (for 48 years) with a Southern Baptist background who has read the whole Bible over 12 times with the Holy Spirit as my teacher. Thousands of messages and teachings, hours, days and years spent in the word, praying, meditating, putting God first in my life before I heard Joseph Prince or Joel Olsteen. I have not heard them teach what you claim they teach since I only began listening to them over the past 3 years or so (this in 2017) You would do well to give them the grace (love bears all things) to see maybe they have grown up. Maybe they said things in the past but their current teachings do not violate scripture. If you claim they do please use scripture to refute them, not personal smears and innuendo. BTW... Peter preached and 3000 people were saved in one day - what do you have against mega churches?
    I worship an abundant God - Jesus said He came that we might have Life in abundance (NASB) and His joy to the full. I was raised in poverty and can tell you that is not life in abundance and joy to the full. Do not fight against those who glory in the blessings of God. Hallelujah! Todah! I love Jesus!

  20. Listening to jp teachings has helped me in many ways. I got my first healing after years of sickness from a totally far of country listening and believing and practising his teachings. I 've read the bible several times and so I know that jp s teachings are very right and it has revelations . U would not be able to teach the word at least one fourth as good as it. And y do u envy him ? Cos others are blessed him and not by u ? Try to get people close to jesus if u can't do it by urself at least let them get closer to jesus some through someone else like jp

  21. Thanks Jenny, your voice out meant a lot more than you can envisage.

    God bless you tremendously

  22. Jesus please save us from the Christians!

  23. Same old Calvinistic debate. If I have to maintain my salvation I'm lost! "Saved by Grace through faith and that not even your own." I have to rely on grace because I always fall short. If one "strives" it's because you have been saved. Johnny Calvin had that right.

  24. Loving God is not what saves you! Being saved is what causes you to love God.
