Got Questions

Are you trying to figure out what is really true and if Jesus is the way? I've spoken to many muslims, unbelievers and unsaved believers. If you want to contact me with any question regarding your salvation, I welcome that:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Detoxify Your Life

Detoxify Your Body and Give Yourself the Best Chance for Purification

Not to sound all new age like, but as an American there are some things I've noticed for a long time.  We depend on doctors that are educated in a system that promotes making money of patients that are sick.  If we could all the sudden cure cancer or rid ourselves of bothersome allergies or skin conditions simply by doing things that are preventative and almost free then the healthcare system and pharmaceutical industry would experience a crash.

We are rarely exposed to information in the media that promotes things that are truly healing other than diet and exercise.  Most people are so addicted to processed foods and watching tv that we see the good it does  to the population in general simply by going out to our local malls or Wal Mart and just observing all the overweight unhappy looking people.

I believe these things to be the essentials that can give you the best detoxifying results both in your body and your mind.

1. Stop watching TV and the news and get rid of your cable.

2. Don't waste your time playing video games especially any of the violent ones.

3. Exercise at least half an hour daily (walking at a minimum).

4. Read the Bible because it really is food for the soul.

5. Pray alone everyday multiple times throughout the day.  Also pray with others whenever you have the opportunity.

6.. Find out the best methods for a colon cleanse and liver detox and liver cleanse.

7. Kill parasites in your body and cleanse them out by fasting and a colon cleanse.

8. If you do Facebook or any social sites consider deleting your account.  Keep up with family and friends via email or phone.  We become so disconnected to the people in our life by connecting digitally.

Imagine your life full of little distractions, no major health issues, the ability to sleep, no anxiety, and joy filled.  First of all you get that primarily from being regenerated by the Holy Spirit.  But it also doesn't hurt to stay healthy in body by removing the toxins from your body and the mental distractions from your life.

These things are not hard to do.  For a long time my wife and I agreed that we should get rid of cable and start reading the Bible together as a family and do a fast and you get the idea.  It wasn't until we started making a real effort that our lives were changed for the better.

I don't spend time talking about what happened on some tv show or hooking up with my pepes on Facebook.

Time is short.  Use it wisely.