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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Is the President Really an Actor?

I've often wondered about this.  If so will something occur to 86 him just as we see happen to actor roles in soap operas when a character has served his purpose?

I believe this is likely and will be blamed on conservatives that are angry about all the scandals and executive orders passed which are in conflict with the constitution.  Initially I believe this will be blamed on tea party types, but ultimately this will be linked incorrectly to Israel.

My theory is that all these conspiracies are in place to invoke fear and to have something to blame on Israel. They will get blamed for all the conspiracies and the coming economic collapse.

And who stands against Israel?

Our current administration, new agers, disinformation agent (Alex Jones), Islam, a large number of American Christians, most Calvinists, and anyone that believes in Replacement Theology.  I think all those people should join together and start their own cult.  Wait, I think the bible speaks about that happening doesn't it?

Possible dates to watch:

11/22/2014: JFK's 50th anniversary
11/24/2014: Significant date concerning numerology and the satanists that run this world like this date.
3/15/2015: Another date the satanists like.

Hopefully this will not happen, but there appears to be quite a bit of predictive programming suggesting an event like this will occur in the near future.  Ultimately this is simply an observation of the codes and purposeful coinciding dates the operators of the satanic system in which we all are subjected to via our controlled mass media.

We should pray for this man that he will be brought out of the deception which he lives and come to the truth in Jesus Christ.  Jesus can wash away all sins.