Got Questions

Are you trying to figure out what is really true and if Jesus is the way? I've spoken to many muslims, unbelievers and unsaved believers. If you want to contact me with any question regarding your salvation, I welcome that:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Some Questions From My Friend About Christianity

Lunch Today

I have a friend that I meet with from time to time to discuss life, politics, and religion for the most part.  He is a smart guy and also happens to be a Muslim.  We've had some discussions which I would call somewhat heated about our differing religious beliefs. 

My buddy's knowledge of his religion and my lack of knowledge of Christianity and the Bible in the past were obvious. 

But since I've experienced becoming regenerated by the Holy Spirit and being born again I've become driven to seek God and read the Bible.  So I am thankful for this friendship in that it has helped me grow in what I believe.  I pray my friend would turn to Jesus and that the Holy Spirit would open his mind.

Today we had lunch and he was very cool about how he asked me what I believe. He really sounded like he wants to know what this means: By faith and faith alone we are saved.

He asked me and I told him but wasn't able to quote scriptures which is what he wants.  I know he doesn't believe in anything Paul wrote so I'm going to give him the words of Jesus.

One thing I did mention because it is important is that when you really believe that the Holy Spirit dwells withing the believer and regenerates the believer.

So his questions are:

1. What is the Holy Spirit?

2. What is "faith" in reference to being saved by "faith" and "faith" alone?

3. Also, why do Christians have so many different "religions" that contradict each other (like the Jehovah's Witness?)

4. What do Jehovah's Witness believe?

I'm working up some answers to email him.